near Hwy. 16, Star, and Eagle
Hello, fellow moms! One of our local moms recently asked for recommendations on hairdressers that specialize in color and are located close to Hwy 16, Star, or Eagle. We’ve compiled the top recommendations from the community to make it a breeze for you to find your new hair artist extraordinaire!
1. Erica Leuty on W State Street, Eagle
Erica Leuty comes highly recommended by fellow moms, and for good reason! Her specialties include custom color, extensions that blend seamlessly with your natural hair, and detailed haircuts that take hair density, texture, desired outcomes, and lifestyles into account. Set up an appointment with Erica and see if you two are a good fit.
2. Mandi and Jennifer at Inspired by Love Salon, Star
Gillian Cotney and Bernadette Fernandez, two top contributors to the discussion, recommend Mandi and Jennifer at Inspired by Love Salon in Star. Jennifer is known for her remarkable skills in coloring, and along with Mandi, they attract rave reviews.
3. Mariah Joy Kimball, Eagle (off Linder)
Mariah Joy Kimball runs her hair coloring business out of Eagle, just off Linder. She has a vibrant Instagram feed showcasing her skills in hair transformations. Check it out and see if her expertise matches your vision!
4. Julie Hayes at Opulence Salon, STAR
Jacke Grimm also shared her favorite stylist, Julie Hayes, who works at the renowned Opulence Salon in Eagle. Another fantastic option to consider when searching for the perfect hairdresser.
Local moms, we hope this list of hair geniuses in the Star, Eagle, and Hwy 16 area helps you find exactly what you’re looking for! It’s time to give our locks some love and feel like the fabulous women we are. Happy pampering!