Ever since our resident explorer, Emily Heffernan, asked where she could find the best gymnastics gym for her tiny tumblers (ages 4 and 6—yep, those bundles of energy!), we’ve been spring-boarding off each other’s suggestions. Let’s dive right into our top picks, shall we?
Nestled Gyms: The Gym Nest and The Little Gym
Randi Scott, our fearless suburban guide, pointed us towards a couple of options: the gym nest and the little gym. Picture small hands grasping bars, little feet springing off beams, and the sound of delighted giggles reverberating off the walls.
Not just a gem, but a state-of-the-art gem!
Walking a flawless balance beam between us is Christen Rowles, who revealed the not-so-hidden secret of Gem State Gymnastics. Though not smack bang in Eagle City limits, it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump away. A setting for every age and skill level? Yes, please! Our community’s own Rebecca Forster gave a vault of approval to Gem State Gymnastics too, asserting that they’re simply the best!
Tumbling Over to Tumble Time
Next up on our round-off list is Tumble Time Kids Center, an option not too far from Eagle. Thanks for stretching and sharing this one, Carrie Elizabeth!
And a Roundoff Flip of Gratitude!
Here’s raising a glass (or, more aptly, an energy drink) to all the mom-sleuths who helped Emily Heffernan in her mission to find the perfect place for her daughters to start their gymnastics journey. You know what they say: ‘From tiny tumbles, great gymnasts grow.’ Wait—do they say that? Well, they should.
For more information on gymnastics specifics for toddlers, head here.